Protected nature

Together we're developing tourist potentials of the Žabalj municipality.

Nature’s park “Stara Tisa”

Nature’s park “STARA TISA” at Pearls’s Island spreads on area of 391 HA out of which 6% is in system of protection II (second) and the rest belongs to III (third) level and covers 3 municipalities: Bečej, Novi Bečej and Žabalj. Tisa’s meander is the longest in Vojvodina with 24,5 km. It has III (third) category of natures’ resource by Law of Republic of Serbia. By classification of worlds’ union for protection of nature (IUCN) it has V (fifth) category. The protected area is dominated by surface waters and their reedbeds as well as meadows and forests in the coastal part. The aim of protection is to preserve more of the remaining areas that provide shelter for plant and animal species which can easily disappear from the area.

The most important value of the Nature’s Park is a white water lily, which is on list of natural rarities of Serbia. The most common group of water plants, according to some authors they have relic features in this part of the Europe, are krocanj (myriophyllum), vodeno leće (duckweed), vodeni griz (water meal) i žabljak (buttercup). For presewrvation of biodiversity of the area zuka and buttercup are important. They are defined as critically endangered species by IUCN. They are on Serbian Preliminary Red list of flora.

Fish fond is rich and contains 23 kinds of fish (naphal, carp, catfish, ide). The most endangered species are minnow, swordfish, catfish, pike and asp. Their protection is legally regulated (in accordance with the Bern convention).

There are 7 species of amphibians and 3 of reptiles on this locality. It is very importatnt to preserve the localities of the stated species. It is necessary for the survival and reproduction. Some of them are rare nature’s species.

166 kinds of birds are registered on the researched area. 87 out 166 are protected by Regulation on protection of neture’s rarities of the Republic of Serbia while some of them are in the group of the most endangered animals on the planet: pygmy cormorant, ferruginous duck, white-tailed eagle, saker falcon which are either passers-by or rare guests. On CITES list are 3 extremly endangered species white-tailed eagle, saker falcon and screech owl. On “STARA TISA” the special care should be devoted to the nesting birds, above all the rare species such as: bittern, marsh harrier, little crake and blue jay because reedbedsand coastal vegetation are one of the most important habitats for them.

The fauna is rich in species of mammals. The most mammal species are endangered such as the otter, badger, marten and stoat either by human prosecution or disappearance of the habitat. All stated species represent significant link in the food chain for functioning of the existing eco-systems

This preserved oxbow borders or flows through agricultural area of large wetland, “Pearl Island” and “week-end” area Bačko Gradištae and Čurug. The length of oxbow is around 25 km and represents the longest oxbow in our country down the river Tisa. By cutting off of its flow the Dead Tisa kept its natural values. It is rich in quality water and the reason for that is absence of pollutants and connection with river flow. It is a good spot for sport fishing (23 fish species), recreation, vacation and raise of orchard and vineyard cultures. White fish, crucian carp, carp, and perch are the most popular among fishermen.

Public company “Komunalac” from Bečej is guardian of the Park. Sport fisherman association “Stara Tisa” from Čurug is the user of the Park, Address: Trg Slobode 1, Telephone: +381 (0)21 833 024

Nature’s Park Jegrička

Watercourse Jegrička spreads over the area of South Bačka’s loess terrace, between Big Bačka’s Channel on the north and the Danube on the south. It runs the length of 64,5 km. The length of the basin west-east is around 100 km and the width is around 14,5 km. The watercourse is the autochthonous river of Bačka which lost its original appearance by the regulation of the riverbed. Once the longest autochthonous Vojvodinean river doesn’t have a classic source and represents system of connected ponds through which the water flows up to its delta on river Tisa. Running through 4 municipalities (Bačka Palanka, Vrbas, Temerin and Žabalj) the watercourse intersects the important roads.

Jegrička is on the list of International significant birds’ habitats (IBA area, 1997) and has an international significance as botanical area (IPA area, 2005). Nature’s park “Jegrička” covers an area of 1.144,81 ha. II level of protection has been established on 245,28 ha (21,43%) and III level on 899,53 ha (78,57%). As of 2005, it is managed by public water management company „Vode Vojvodine“.

The wealth of flora is characterized by the presence of 76 floral species and 16 floral communities. Among water and swamp plants, protected and endangered species from the red list of Serbian flora are specially presented (white water lily, pond fern, water chestnut and bladderwort). Special beauty comes from the floating community of white water lily, water chestnut and potamogeton with dense vegetation reed and sedge in the coastal region. Meadows on the islands are covered with domestic poplar trees and bushes

There are 20 fish species in Jegrička, grouped within 6 families. Carp family dominates. Imported fish such as: silver carp, grass carp, topmouth gudgeon, brown bullhead and Lepomis gibbosus are also present. From endangered and rare species the most significant ones are: loach, pike, perch, catfish and carp.

The wealth of wildfowls, as fundamental value, is reflected in 198 registered species. Some of them are eurasian bittern, shoveler, little crake, white tern, mallard and teal duck, great crested grebe, pygmy cormorant, great egret, dark heron, great reed warbler and bearded tit bird. It is necessary to emphasize the presence of globally endangered ferruginous duck, necked grebe, little grebe, grey goose, marsh harrier, black tern, bluethroat and grasshopper-warbler.

Amphibians that inhabit the wetland are several species of frog and newt. When speaking about reptiles, rare and endangered specie of turtles is present as well as two types of snakes: the grass snake and dice snake. From the mammals that inhabit the coast Jegrička large number of them belongs to strictly protected wild species, and of particular importance is the presence of otter. Rodents are represented by water voles, field mice, field voles and muskrat. From the representatives of carnivores those who stand out are: weasel, marten, badger and fox, and of game: roe deer and rabbit.

The concept of protection of nature’s park „Jegrička“ is based on preservation and improvement of natural values, enabling of sustainable mechanisms for reduction of the pollution, mitigation of floods and droughts, development of fishing, eco-tourism, scientific – research work and education. To ensure the conditions necessary for protection, preservation, improvement and usage general protection measures are prescribed

General protection measures:

It is forbidden to:

– change the determined water regime,

– release of untreated wastewater,

– opening of illegal beaches,

– waste disposal,

– forming of week-end zone and construction of premises for individual habitation,

– construction of coastal defense,

– burning of cane,

– unauthorized movement within the boundaries of a protected natural resource and

– planting of allochthonous bushy and woody species

Prescribed measures enable:

– water usage in accordance with available water resources,

– scientific – research work,

– controlled presentation of natural goods, education, tourism and recreation,

– monitoring of eco-system and species’ status,

– measures for managing populations,

– arranging points for presentation of natural goods, education, tourism and recreation,

– ecological restoration of degraded habitats,

– establishment and maintenance of biofilters on the place where side channels inflow,

– arranging the coast in populated areas,

– arranging of tourist and recreational tracks and

– preserving and increasing the forest area and shelters for animals with autochthonous bushy and woody species.

Guardian of the nature’s park Jegrička is public company “Vode Vojvodine”. Sport fisherman association “Mladost – Jegrička” from Žabalj is the user. Telephone: +381 (0) 64 268 67 92

Fishpond „Jegrička“ Žabalj

Fishpond “Jegrička” is located in close proximity to populated place Žabalj. It was created by regulating the middle and upper flow of the river Jegrička from 1957-1958, as well as the construction of fishponds’objects along the course. Regulation of Jegrička’s watercourse is done with the drainage purpose as well as water supply for: settlements, fishponds, irrigation systems, industrial facilities and area for sport-recreational activity. Fishpond area (length 14 km) spreads from “Čuruška kapija” until km. 0 + 000 at Tisa dam. Fishpond stretches north-south (east and west side are the longest). Fishpond “Jegrička” has total area of 325 ha out of which the useful fishpond area is 319 ha. The largest part of the fishpond (ZJ06) is semi-fishpond per type, since it is adapted river flow for breeding fish which can be filled in or filled out optionally. The real type of fishpond are objects built with the specific purpose for breeding of young carp (nursery fishpond) with the possibility to inflow and outflow the water. Fishpond “Jegrička” is semi –systematic, speacialized for breeding of fish from young to consumer ready size of fish. Besides semi-intensive (semi-extensive) system for breeding carp (the most common species in the fishpond) there is a small percentage of: white and grey carp, grass carp and only a few predator fish: catfish, perch and pike.